Great leaders are people person.

Great leader are usually great mentor. They respect and value people. They spend time with their team and are friends to many. People are drawn to them naturally and would go the extra mile for them.
Great leader inspire the greatness in others. They support and encouraged others to move forward , to do more. They give confidence and believe others that they are worthy of achieving their goals.
Great leader are great teacher. They teach with passion and creativity to explore ways to make their students understand and self realize the importance of the message or lesson.
People centric
Great leader are people centric. They respect and value everyone around them. This is shown in their daily encounter with others through communication, the way to handle a challenging situations. meetings with team. colleagues, suppliers and customers. They genuinely take care of the interest of others in all their dealings. More often discussion or negotiation with great leader end with win-win for both parties. People generally are open to share information with great leader and also are more open to listen and accept the opinion or input of great leader.
Great leader are sincere in their approach with others
Great leader is sincere when connecting with others. They view people as valuable asset beyond monetary measure. Great leader are generous in their offer to help for others and have no expectation in return for those whom they help. They simply adore their ability to help others and treat it as an opportunity to do good for others just because they are capable to do so. They do not need public recognition or acknowledge of their good deed. They truly know themselves and appreciate themselves.
They set good example
They set good example by doing the thing they ask others to do. They believe only through their own experience of doing the so called difficult tasks, they gain the knowledge of 'know-how' that they can then teach others or their team to do it with greater success.
They are not afraid of failure
Great leaders are not afraid to failed. They know that failures brings them nearer to success. They do not criticize on their failures but rather learn from it by knowing what does not works and move on to better plan what might works. They never give up in life.
They are not judgmental
Great leader accept and appreciate everyone. They are not judgmental. They acknowledge that everyone is unique and talented in their own way. They believe and know there is no bad people but often people act or react in certain way due to survival or under pressure. Great leader see the good in everyone and admire everyone in their own way.
They are compassionate with others
They are forgiven to others of their mistake. Great leader will try to understand every individual from their perspective and will help them to derive a solution in any given situation. They do not pity people whom is misfortune but rather creatively explore ways or methods to help them. They believe everyone has the capability to improve and change their life for the better.
They have infinite patience
Great leader are not rushing to get it done but rather patiently doing the right thing step by step. They are patience with people around them and acknowledge that everyone understand things differently with different time frame. They believe everyone learned in their own pace and it is alright. They are willing to teach others and share his/her knowledge with the people around them.
Great leaders are great friends. These are the people to go for when you have challenges and needed a helping hand. Helping others is their natural self.